Upper Abdominal Ultrasound

The scan is to assess the upper abdominal organs such as the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, kidneys and spleen. Unfortunately, not so good for assessing bowel or stomach.

Preparation: You need to have not eaten for eight hours prior to your scan. During this time you may drink water, tea or coffee but with NO milk. It is best to book a morning appointment and not have eaten anything from midnight.

I am a diabetic: If you are an insulin-dependent diabetic, we will endeavour to make your appointment early in the morning. You will be instructed to have toast with jam, but no butter so you can take your insulin. Please bring food with you to have straightaway after the scan. We will check with you at the time of booking you that this will suit you and be safe for you.

If you are a non-insulin diabetic, we will endeavour to make your appointment early in the morning. We need you to be starved in the usual way (from midnight) and ask that you please bring food with you to have straightaway after the scan. We will check with you at the time of booking that you can manage this.